Tag Archives: Somerville

Mrs. Laura B. Lewis (obituary)

Mrs. Laura B. Lewis, wife of Stephen H. Lewis, who had been ill since January, died Sunday at her home, 44 Kidder av, West Somerville, where the funeral service will be held at 2 tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Lewis was born in Charlottetown, P E I, 65 years ago, and was the daughter of Rev William G. Wright, a Methodist minister. She has been a highly-respected resident of this city since her marriage about 40 years ago, and was also well known in South Duxbury, Mass, where she spent Summers at Standish Shore. She was a member of the College Avenue Methodist Church. In addition to her husband, she is survived by four children, Ex-Representative Wilbur F. Lewis and Dr Minot W. Lewis of the city, Mrs. Laura W. Elliott, wife of Roscoe O. Elliott of Arlington, and Mrs Grace M MacKenzie, wife of William MacKenzie of El Paso, Tex.

Boston Daily Globe
September 14, 1926
Page A12


Biography of Wilbur Fletcher Lewis

This biography originally appeared in “Middlesex County and Its People”:

Wilbur-Fletcher-LewisWILBUR FLETCHER LEWIS–For more than eighteen years, Wilbur Fletcher Lewis has been identified with the building, real estate, and insurance business at Somerville, first in association with his father, and since 1918, for himself. He is well known in fraternal and club circles, and has always been interested in athletics, especially in baseball. The business is operated under the name of S. H. Lewis and Son, and the office is located at 253 Elm Street.

Wilbur Fletcher Lewis, son of Stephen Henry and Laura Blanche (Wright) Lewis (see preceding biography), was born in Somerville, Massachusetts, February 28, 1889. He received his earliest education at the Edgerly School, and then continued his studies in the Highland School, from which he was graduated in 1904. The following fall he became a student in the English High School, from which he was graduated in 1908, after which he entered Berkley Preparatory School, where he continued his studies for one year.

Continue reading Biography of Wilbur Fletcher Lewis

Biography of Stephen Henry Lewis

This biography originally appeared in “Middlesex County and Its People”:

stephen lewis headshotSTEPHEN HENRY LEWIS–For more than four decades, Mr. Lewis was engaged in the business of carpenter and builder at Somerville, and during those years established a prosperous and prominent industry, which flourished until his retirement from active affairs in 1918. Industrious and enterprising, he had added many important real estate and insurance activities to his business and was recognized as a leader in the trade. His business has continued under the management of a son, Wilbur Fletcher, and to Mr. Lewis is the reward and comfort, the competence which his efforts have earned. Continue reading Biography of Stephen Henry Lewis