Maria Felicia Spagnuolo is my 3rd great grandmother (paternal). Wife to Pasquale Nicola Gaudiosi and mother to Leopoldo E Gaudiosi (1855 – 1922), I know very little about her; in fact, I only know her name. I came upon her name after receiving Leopoldo’s birth record from Italy.
However, while searching the Italy, Births and Baptisms, 1806-1900 (Italia, Nati e Battesimi, 1806-1900)at I came across an interesting birth record for a woman of the same name:

My excitement of finding her and her parents quickly turned to depression as I realized her birth date, 04 Oct 1854, meant that she could not possibly be MY Maria Felicia Spagnuolo. It would mean that she was just one year old when my 2nd great grandfather Leopoldo was born.
This Maria was born in San Severo, Foggia, Italy. Leopolodo was born and raised in Colliano, Salerno, Italy. The two locations are 156 km from each other, or just under 100 miles. Not close, but not unrealistically far away either.
So the questions I now must answer is: Is this Maria my ancestor and the year is simply incorrect, or does this woman have the exact same name as my ancestor but no relation? Are Gerardo Spagnoli and Maria Leonarda Forte my 4th great grandparents, or complete and total strangers?