Mrs. Catherine Lewis Died at Lyn
Colchester County, June 15
Mrs. Catherine Lewis died at Lyn Colchester County, June 15, aged 86 years. Her maiden name was Reid, born at Race End, Donegal, Ireland. The clan from which this branch of the Reid family sprang was noted in Scotland in the seventeenth century. Members of the family lived to the patriarchal age of 90 and 100 years.
Mr. James Reid, father of the deceased, was a soldier in the King’s army, and after the Irish rebellion in 1799 was crushed, he came with his family to Canada. The deceased was about six years old when she came to this country and lived in Cumberland County until she married Charles Lewis in 1843 and lived in this locality until the death of her husband, Nov 24, 1892.
Mr and Mrs Lewis were pioneers of Methodism in this place, holding their membership at Five Islands, but opening their home for services for the early traveling Methodist preachers and other evangelists. The deceased joined the Methodist Church when only 13 years of age, under the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Slip in Cumberland County.
Mrs. Lewis was the sister of the late William, James and Andrew Reid of P. E. Island, who was engaged in mercantile pursuits in different parts of the Island, the two former were school teachers in their earlier life in Nova Scotia, and the late Col. John B. Reid, of Illinois, U.S.A., and one sister, Mrs. Brooks, of St. John, N.B. deceased. The only living member of the family is Alexander Reid, business manufacturer and salesman, now retired, of Oxford, N.S.
The deceased was a consistent Christian lady, a faithful wife, and tender and loving mother. Tho afflicted for many years and weak in body, she always was found at the bed of suffering.
She was the mother of thirteen children, four of whom predeceased her: Wilson, Esther Jane, Wesley Slackford and Lockhart Brown (sic), and S.H. and George H., builders and contractors, Somerville, Mass., W. F. , merchant, of North Chelmsford, Mass., Rev. A. R. , of West Somerville, Mass., E. A., traveller, of Halifax, N.S., Mrs. S.H. Webb, of Oxford, N.S. with whom the deceased resided for a number of years since the death of her husband, James A., post master and farmer of this place, Mrs. Caroline E. Smith, widow of the late W. A. Smith, Oxford Jct., now residing with her brother, the youngest of the family, D.B. at the old homestead where the deceased passed away.
The funeral services were held at the home on June 18 at 10am conducted by the Rev. J. House, of Oxford. Her own selection of hymns from the Methodist hymn book were sung.
A service was held at the Five Islands church at 1pm.
The remains were interred in the Five Islands Cemetery beside her late husband and children.
From Truro Daily News, Vol XX, No 155, Tuesday, 5 July 1910 Page 6, Column 1, photocopy obtained at Colchester County Museum, Truro, Colchester County, Nova Scotia by Marilyn Adair (Ottawa, Ontario).

D.B. Lewis
Heman and Winneford Lewis
Taken is 1944
Karl Lewis’ car in foreground.